You wake up one night tumble out of bed and fall to the floor in excruciating pain. Tears come to your eyes instantly. You've never felt such pain. Your thinking why, what is going on with my body. Standing seems impossible and thoughts float into your mind about never being able to walk or your body breaking. This is what I woke up to Thanksgiving night when I was getting up to feed Sydney. My back went out. Whatever that is suppose to mean. My body didn't work right and I was sobbing crawling to get to the rocking chair so that I could feed her. Paul was doing his best to try and help. I've never felt so vulnerable and helpless. After a chiropractic visit I now have to wear a back brace and use a heating pad. Things that make you feel old.
So heres to the ones who don't feel like Superman anymore. To the ones that are young and feel old and to the ones who are old that feel helpless and weathered. We can only imagine what it feels like to have your body let you down. And all of us will experience that some day. Making everyone aware of those that may need us more than we may want them to. We wish there wasn't any kryptonite.
Paul and I are going to be pushing you and Andrew around in wheelchairs before you know it.
SOOOO sorry about your back. Did your chiropractor say that sleeping on an air mattress could've done it? Hope the back brace and heating pad are helping, old lady.
I never felt like superman, even with my healthy body, so maybe I won't be as let down when I start falling apart. :)
daneen even in your sad hard back situation you are an AWESOME writer---seriously i loved the post---but i feel really bad for your back! how frustrating and sad---i hope it's feeling better and heals and you are happy! (hoppy)
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