Thursday, October 4, 2007

Food for the Soul

"Please bless that we can go to Wendy's, Taco Bell, Domino's and Old Mc Donalds." These are words of a four year old saying his prayers. Namely our four year old. Carson is so hilarious. Today he told me that at school he picked his nose and tried to feed his booger to an ant. Then he went ahead and killed in anyway, with his shoe. Now thats funny. Anyway back to the prayers. I can't believe what we are teaching our kid. We don't eat out that much, maybe once a week and its usually Wendy's because they have such great value meals. I'm sure its all a bunch of cancer causing, artery clogging, eventual heart attack food, but its good.

"...mmmmmmm Wendys!!!"

I guess I'll have to start cracking down on the whole eating out thing. We are a little lucky since Carson dosen't like meat or french fries. But most of all I'm concerned that Carson will think that his prayers have been answered when we go out to eat at one of his special requested food places. But really we should all be eating more fish. (Low in mercury off course). Can I just mention that this fish looks like some of these fast food workers.


Anonymous said...

Don't know how to tell you this, but Carson's prayers are pretty par for the course :0)Hey, at least he is thinking about his prayers and not getting into people's body powder. Remember that? :)

Paul-N-Daneen said...

Vaguely.....Fill us in on the details :)

andrea said...

I hope it's not too irreverent, but we often crack up laughing at our kids' prayers. And if we would've been at your house when Carson said that prayer, it would've been one of those moments.

And other times they're so touching.

Gates & Tausha said...

hahaha....I love it...I think Carson taught Jarom how to pray...cause Jarom STILL sounds like that...ahha...that's hilarious...and I LOVE your FREE FUN DAY...we, in fact, were JUST talking about that 2 hours fun...and how. :) Love it!!