Friday, September 21, 2007

Whats the Word...?

Carson is...well we aren't sure what word to use for him so maybe you could help us out. When he's talking and says something questionable Paul and I look at each other like "what was that?"

Here are some things that he's been saying and doing lately:

Carson:"Mom look at that cat over there"
Me: "He better not come over here he looks mean"
Car: "If he comes over here I'll cut him off" (He's trying to say "cut him up")

Carson wanted to go eat out last Saturday and Paul and I both told him we didn't have any money. So he told us that he had some in his Gatorade Jar at home(which consists of all nickels and pennies). We told him we needed dollars and that we didn't have any of those. So he says "Well you can use a credit card." What are we teaching our child?

At school Carson's class is learning about outer space and he's the only one who told his teacher that he wanted "to go to outer space to see the aliens." At school they sometimes serve sausage biscuits for breakfast. I asked him if he ate it and he said "No it was disgusting. there was a black thing (the sausage) on my biscuit." Two days ago he said "some boy pushed me on the playground so I choked him?" HMM?

Lately when were out driving around at night he pretends to fall asleep and when we try to get him out of his car seat he justs sits there doing a great acting job. He can keep it up for a full minute then he cracks a smile and starts busting up.

The other Sunday me and him were sitting in the Car waiting to go in to church, since we were real early and he starts talking about California. He wants to go to the beach. I told him someday soon we could go if we save up our money. Then of course he says again " I have money at home in my Gatorade Jar." I told him we needed dollars and so he said " Well maybe dad, me and you can go to dads work and the lady will give us dollars." This is funny because right before school started I had to take him to get his shots and afterwards we went to Paul's work to see him, because Carson was sad, and one of Paul's coworkers gave Carson a dollar so that he would feel better. SO now he thinks shes a source of cash.

THE BEST: Carson has an infatuation with old people. We were at the gas station and Paul was pumping the gas while me and Carson were chillin in the car and all of a sudden he practically yells "MOM LOOK!" So I look and I can't figure out what he's looking at and then he says "Theres an OLD MAN" "Why is he driving that truck.. cuz he's old?" Then one time we were at Walmart in the cheese section and an "OLDER" man was stocking the cheese and he was bald and all wrinkly. Well Carson happened to notice his neck and asked me "Mom whats wrong with that man's neck, is it broken?" Me: "No its just wrinkly" Car:" Cuz he's an old man, thats disgusting." And lately he's been reminding me that "Grandpa Kennedy is an old man." He'll get a golf club and turn it upside down and use it as a cane and walk really s-l-o-w-l-y. I ask him what he's doing and he say in his old man voice "I'm an old man" and then starts busting up laughing. Anyway just thought I'd share some of Carson's intriguing moments with you. Let me know if you come up with a good word for him.



Gates & Tausha said...

hahahha....I laughed out least 4 times that I can count...and at least 10 inside! I want to have kids like Carson...some kids are minded...they're all "CUTE,"...but Carson, he's so...UN-BORING! :) (stellar word eh?) Always got his mind on somethin! He's gonna be the kid in sacrament that goes and bears his testimony about how his house has centipedes and how old people are disgusting. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved the blog! This isn't the word you want but I find Carson very entertaining! :)

andrea said...

Hilarious? I think that's the word you're looking for. Or maybe creative. Or special. :)